Sunday, 8 April 2018

Oh, god, not again

Apparently, a decade and a half of rejection isn't enough for some people to take the hint.

Gino "put all employment laws in the dustbin!" Risoli, local greasy spoon owner and living evidence that you can tell some people as many times as you like and they still won't get it, has announced his candidacy for Senator in the upcoming elections. Risoli is a familiar face in this regard - this is his fourth election, having stood in at the 2005, 2011 and 2014 generals, as well as a 2010 Senatorial by-election. 2005: bottom of the poll. 2010: third from the bottom out of nine candidates, receiving 76 votes. 2011: standing in St. Helier No.1, he once again came bottom of the poll. 2014: yet again, bottom of the poll. One would think that, unable as he is to even win a deputy seat in town (you know, the sort of seat that's notoriously good for newcomers or outsiders), he would choose not to embarrass himself again. Apparently not.

To be fair, he's not for want of trying. Risoli has been involved with failed political ventures before - in 2005-2010, he was involved with Progress Jersey, a pressure group that was active for a few years but has since dropped off the radar - one can only conclude that Gino and his fellow pressurer, laissez-faire Tory and anti-tax activist Darius J. Pearce (principally known for his dud attempt to organise a Jersey Conservative Party, as well as lying about the supposed insertion of ex-Senator Frank Walker into a photo of him with former PM Gordon Brown and Northern Irish evangelical hate preacher, Protestant fundamentalist and wannabe terrorist Ian Paisley) got bored.

At least his ranting Facebook posts can be a good laugh.

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