Saturday, 17 March 2018

RMT to bring protest action to Jersey?

After yesterday's Portsmouth protest against the exploitation of Ukrainian contract workers by Condor, the RMT (National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers), who organised the demonstration, have announced that they plan to hold a similar action in Jersey. Steve Todd, the RMT's national secretary, said that the Portsmouth protest had been a "really successful day", but that the RMT "can still do more and keep on going until we get proper results - the next step, he said, was to "organise something in Jersey", saying that "we need to let Islanders know what is going on".

More bad news for Condor then. After their statement earlier this week which claimed that "workers often choose to return to work for Condor rather than going elsewhere" - a thinly veiled way of saying that their pay is better than the pay they'd get in Ukraine, so RMT had better lay off (Is this really the kind of attitude that we want - exploitation is OK, so long as the people being exploited are paid more than they are in a post-Soviet country with a GDP lower than Angola and Sudan? (IMF estimate, 2017)) - they've refused to make any further comments on the matter. Strange - their PR department is usually so frantic to issue the denials and excuses when the Liberation is malfunctioning for the umpteenth time!

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